Monday, September 1, 2014

What I Expect to Learn in Physics

          In physics this year, I expect to learn the skills to understand what is going on around me in the everyday world, such as why a ball falls from the top of a building at the same speed as a feather does. While developing these learning skills, I expect to learn how to predict outcomes in the future.
Lastly, I expect to learn how these things affect me personally in MY everyday life. I think physics is important, because it explains the perceived unexplainable. I want to fill my bowl of curiosity. In the process of learning about the importance of physics, I think it is important to learn how to decipher why these things are happening. Finally, I think physics is important, because it opens up your mind to new ideas that you may have never thought possible. I think problem solving is thinking about the logic of an outcome. Why do you think this will happen? What is your reasoning behind it? I don't have any specific questions about physics, but rather I am just open to learning how it works and why it works. That is a giant question within itself. My goals for physics this year is to be confused about a concept, then comprehend it, and then be able to explain the concept to a peer. Rather than setting a goal to get an A in the class, I have decided that I just want to understand physics. Asheville School always encourages it's students to not worry about a grade, but rather about the learning process and I have finally come around to doing that.

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