Friday, September 26, 2014

Unit 1 Reflection

1) During this unit, I felt like I was a received knower as well as a committed knower. I was a received knower in the sense that I memorized formulas. I was a committed knower in that fact that I wanted to understand a concept, rather than just knowing the answer to a question. Understanding concepts is crucial because the memorization of how to solve a problem will fade, but if you understand the concept then you won't forget how to solve the problem.

2) The hardest thing for me to grasp in this unit was constant velocity vs. constant speed. I didn't understand how you could be going a certain speed, but not at that certain velocity. I can now decipher the difference between the two.

3) Throughout this unit, I made flashcards. Each time we learned a new definition I made a flashcard for that concept and studied all of my flashcards periodically. I think this method is effective because it refreshes each concept in your mind as you learn new ones.

4) During class, I took full advantage of asking questions of Mrs. Lawrence as well as my classmates. If Mrs. Lawrence was assisting another student, I asked for help from one of my classmates sitting beside me. Out of class, I took advantage of the videos that Mrs. Lawrence made. Those really helped me understand each concept that we learned, because I'm a very visual learner.

5) I predict that I got an A on the test. I studied for the test (not just cramming in learning the concepts) and was able to demonstrate my understanding on each question. For future tests, I want to remember to come in before the test, either during conference period or during my free period, because I was glad that I had the extra time outside of class to take the test.

6) During this unit, the feedback that helped me the most was the little comments on my quizzes. I tend to make silly mistakes on quizzes, so reminding me what I did wrong helps me learn and remember to not do it next time. I hope for more of those comments.

7) During this unit I got better at deciphering each formula from another, and understanding why each formula fits a certain question. I hope to remember these formulas in each unit to come, as I know it will be crucial.

8) I would give myself a 4 effort grade based on my efforts this unit, because I always came in for conference period if I had a question, fully completed my homework on time every night, and participated in each class session.

9) I would like you to know that I am a very visual learner, so diagrams really help me to understand a concept.

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