Thursday, November 13, 2014

Special Tides

Tides are caused by the difference in force felt by opposite sides of the earth. That force is determined by the distance from the moon.

As you can see, side A has a smaller distance from the moon, thus giving it a larger gravitational force. Side B has a farther distance from the moon, thus giving it a smaller gravitational force.

Side A and B feel different forces to the moon. Side A's net force will be towards the moon because of its strong gravitational force. In result, side B's net force will be away from the moon. This causes the tidal bulges. *It is
                                                                                    important to remember that if it was just the pull,
                                                                                    the sun would cause the tides, not the moon.

Spring tides occur when the sun, moon and earth are all in line. This occurs during a full or new moon. Spring tides cause higher than normal high tides and lower than normal low tides.

Neap tides occur when the moon is perpendicular to the sun and earth. This occurs during a half moon. Neap tides cause not as high tides and not as low tides.

There are two high tides and two low tides each day.
Each high tide and low tide are approximately 6 hrs apart.
Each high tide is approximately 12 hrs apart.
Each low tide is approximately 12 hrs apart.

This is the tide chart for Seabrook Island, SC.

Currently at 7:43pm it is low tide. The beach is experiencing neap tides, because the moons are half moons, but there will be a spring tide on Sunday the 23rd because there will be a new moon.

1 comment:

  1. I like your use of visual representations in your explanations. It really helps to show who tides work. You cover all the bases, well done.
